Please note this is a very old website, circa 2011. It is preserved here for historical purposes.
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Amongst my other interests, I am a spare-time web developer. Listed below are all of the websites I have created. Please note that no templates were used in their creation as I value unique-looking website designs.

Instead of running a commonly used CMS for managing the content of my website's pages, I use one that I have written (and is a continual work in progress). This is because I believe this will allow the most customisation of the website and it would be a great experience to write one.
Victoria Panorama    Back to Top

My website - the one you're on right now!

As an ongoing project it's not done yet, but it'll be great when it is.

When my website is complete, it will contain stuff I've done - including games I made, software I programmed, videos I created, images I've taken/edited, the websites I made, stories I've written, amongst other stuff.    Back to Top

A children's author, Adrian Peniston-Bird asked me to create a website for him - check it out!

There's an overview of his books, a purchase page, a reader's comments page, a page showing the art designed for the books, and a contact page.

   Victoria Panorama    Back to Top

This is a website for my parents' apartment, Victoria Panorama (it doesn't have its own domain yet, but it should soon). It is a 2 bedroom apartment located in East Melbourne, on the 11th floor of the Victoria Building. The complex used to be the Carlton and United Victoria Brewery. It costs $800 per week, so if you're planning a holiday in Melbourne, take a look!

Please make note that the website is fully-functional and all the information it contains is current, except for the calendar and the image of the TV in the gallery (it has been upgraded to a flat-screen) - The website will be actively maintained once it soon has its own domain name.

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This page was last updated: December 10 2011            
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