Need Tech Help?
- $30/hour!*
- Free consultation
Hi! If you want experienced help with something technological, there's no-one who is cheaper than me and yet provides such a high quality service! I'm Brendan, a friendly Melbourne teenager ready to help people of all ages with their technology challenges.
I recommend that you bookmark this page by pressing Ctrl-D (holding the "Ctrl" key down while you press "D" briefly) because you never know when you might need to get some expert assistance!
I can help you with:
- Computers running slowly & unreliable internet
- Errors, viruses and things not working properly
- Upgrading hardware, software and devices
- Writing personalised, simple, step-by-step instructions for tasks
- Backing up your digital life
- Wired & wireless networking
- Plus pretty much anything else technological!
You can contact me on 0419 261 088, but please only call within the following hours (Australian Eastern Standard Time):
Monday |
11:00am – 9:00pm |
Tuesday |
11:00am – 9:00pm |
Wednesday |
5:00pm – 9:00pm |
Thursday |
6:00pm – 9:00pm |
Friday |
5:30pm – 9:00pm |
Saturday |
11:00am – 9:00pm |
Sunday |
11:00am – 9:00pm |
Or send me an email anytime at: techhelp@zimbico.net
If you are not in Australia, you may prefer to call me on Skype - but please stick to the call times above - my Skype account name is zimbico. You could also just replace the first 0 in my number with 61 for an international phone call.
I can help via:
- Internet – remote assistance software/skype
- Phone
- Home visit ($50 additional fee, call me for details)
- Drop-off of your device to my address (call me for details)
This page will be kept current and you can check back here anytime to see if prices have changed, and for the most up-to-date information
*of time spent finding a solution, charged in half-hour blocks, plus $50 for each home visit. Rates subject to change and do not include hardware, software or device costs - See my website for the latest pricing details.
^in the unlikely event that I can't fix something, I only charge for what I have fixed, and home visits if applicable.
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Tags for search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.): recommendations recommended recommend tech help technology help technological assistance helping with technology pc help computor help comp help computer help computer assistance advice computer fixing fixed fix fixes windows 7 windows Vista windows XP windows xp professional windows xp home edition windows 2000 windows ME windows 98 windows 95 iphone zimbi co zimbico Zimbi co.
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